INFORMATION: Operations Seminar Scholarship


To provide students who are interested in the public assembly facility management profession and/or a related field an opportunity to learn more about the profession and industry by attending the Annual FVMA Operations Seminar. Also, to provide the chance to network with practitioners within the field to learn of internship and job opportunities in the State of Florida.

Recipient receives complementary registration and up to $75 to offset his/her expenses. Reimbursement allowed shall include up to $.51 (as per the United States General Services Administration guidelines) per mile for transportation should he/she use his/her own vehicle, as well as tolls and food. Receipts for tolls and/or food must be submitted to FVMA, PO Box 172062, Tampa, FL 33672-2062, within thirty (30) days following the seminar.

Scholarships to students enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at a university or college within the State of Florida (or students who are residents of Florida and enrolled in an undergraduate or  graduate program at a university or college in a state other than Florida) with a major in event, facility or sport management, arts administration, hospitality,tourism and/or a related field.
Students who have graduated within three months prior to FVMA's Operations Seminar would be eligible as well as students who lack the aforementioned academic background but have demonstrated an interest through significant work experience in the public assembly facility management field.
Scholarship may be granted more than once to the same recipient may however new applicants have first priority.

The FVMA Scholarship Committee in determining the award of scholarships will consider the following:


  1. Career Objective

  2. Education Major

  3. Education Achievement to Date

  4. Work Experience

  5. Internship Experience

  6. Statement of Financial Need

NOTE: Each criterion will be based on one to five points.
Applications should be submitted to the FVMA Scholarship Chair by September 1, 2025. Complete the application online and it will automatically be sent to the Scholarship Committee. If you choose to print and mail, send to:

Florida Venue Managers Association
ATTN: Scholarship Committee
2662 LPGA Blvd PM#712
Daytona Beach, FL 32124