Membership Info


Thank you for your interest in joining the Florida Facility Managers Association!

Membership is open to any person in the senior level management of either an existing or under construction arena, racetrack, auditorium/theater, stadium, convention/exhibit hall or outside amphitheater, or presenter organization of events in the State of Florida.

Annual membership dues are as follows:

$250.00 - first member from a member facility
$200.00 - if a second member joins from an existing member facility
$150.00 - if a third member joins from an existing member facility

We also have available cost effective group membership plans to allow more of your staff to get involved! You can view the Package plans here.

Please click the link below to complete the membership application and submit your payment.

Companies can become a sponsor after approval from our Sponsorship Committee. See our plan under the SPONSORSHIP tab.

Payment can be by invoice, credit card or check. Options will be offered during registration.


Refund Policy:  No refunds will be offered on membership dues.
Return Policy: No returns will be offered on membership dues.
Cancelation Policy: memberships are renewed annually and members may cancel their membership at any time.
Shipping: Shipping of membership items and/or tickets will only be in the US.  No international shipping.

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